воскресенье, 3 января 2016 г.

    HOW stopped buying unnecessary things

Almost all of us are susceptible to the same disease. It attacks us in very different and unpredictable moments. She fought one at a time, when they roamed the Internet, others can lie in wait on the street, on the third falls among the supermarket shelves.

Onset may be different, but the result is always the same: we will come to life at home and was surprised to examine thing just bought. Tendency to impulsive buying is common to all, without exception, albeit to varying degrees. To fight against the disease is difficult, but still possible. Here are techniques that will help develop immunity to host more than shopping.

1. to identify its weaknesses

First of all it is necessary to determine the weaknesses in their defense. Marketers have long been identified and are actively using special psychological tricks, which can be caught virtually any unprepared buyer. Here they are:

💡 color. Specialty shops distinguish bright colors the products that you want to stick. Be especially careful with the red or orange, since these colors unconsciously push you to action, that is to buy.

💡Hitrosti layout. Each shelf has a winning location. Usually these places are not the same products, which have excellent quality and low price, and those that generate maximum profit trade organization.

💡Taktilny contact. My favorite technique of street vendors, who first of all try to give you the hands-imposed thing. Psychologically, if we keep the subject in hand, we are ready to buy it.

💡Zapahi and sounds. Specially selected music can make you feel relaxed. A delicious smells from different angles make you gain full truck products, even if they do not need you.

2. Make a list of your belongings

Very often, we buy extra things just because they do not even know we own actually. Jokes about fashionistas who have absolutely nothing to wear and at the same time there is no place to put things that are perfectly true. Once you have a full list of assets, which possess the desire for buying new greatly reduced. Try at the same time to share all their belongings into several categories:

💡Neobhodimoe. This is the most necessary things that you use every day, and without which you can not do.

💡Inogda required. Things that you use from time to time.

💡Nuzhnoe, but not necessary. This category may include those things without which you could and do, but that bring you pleasure.

💡Hlam. You do not remember why you bought these things and when you last used them. They just take up space.

The work on this list will help you three simple questions that should ask themselves each time a doubt. Here they are:

💡Kogda the last time I used it?

💡Kogda I will use it again?

💡Prinosit this thing me joy?

3. Estimate the value of your TRASH

Once you have divided their property into several categories, you immediately want to get rid of trash. Wait, do not rush, you must first make a small therapeutic procedure.

Take and meticulously count the total cost of unnecessary things. If it was a gift, then put a dash; if the price of purchase has changed significantly, then make the amount you paid at the time of purchase. I assure you that the final figure will surprise you considerably. Make a farewell overall picture of your stuff, write over the amount to which he has managed to you, and for all say goodbye to him. A picture put in your wallet, somewhere closer to the money and credit cards.

4. INTANGIBLE recall all the things that make you happy

Now it's time to make another list. This time, try to remember and write down all the things that make you happy, but do not stand at the same penny. Remember the best moments of your life, dear people, friends, achievements and future plans. Good thinking, you agree with the statement that the best things in life are completely free. So is it worth spending your money on something that does not bring true happiness, and ultimately still go in the trash?

5. Spend some time away from your everyday life

It is an effective way to deal with their own consumerism is a temporary suspension of the surrounding reality. Try to break into hiking, the village to the grandmother on a long trip. It is desirable that at this time you have been shielded from the media and electronic gadgets. This will help you to escape from the usual routine, and that spurs always something to buy. The new atmosphere will give you the opportunity to make a substantial reappraisal.

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